Recent content by Norwood3McGee

  1. Norwood3McGee


    I second what dietcola said. Not that bad. Looks good to me.
  2. Norwood3McGee

    Rob_x_22 story

    Those are VERY inspiring results Rob!! Thanks for sharing.
  3. Norwood3McGee

    minoxidil and finasteride got better 5 months now Worse? with PIC'S

    First off I wouldn't even be concerned about that size bald spot. Secondly, 4 ml. of minoxidil?!?!?! For that little spot. Sheesh that's a lot man!!. I am way worse off than you and I only use 1ml.
  4. Norwood3McGee

    Dr. Lee's 12.5% minoxidil with PPG

    Well he's finally released his 12.5% minoxidil solution. Probably due to lack of business from everybody swithing to the foam. Anyone currently using it? I tried the lotion awhile back and only experienced increased irritation.
  5. Norwood3McGee

    Xeon22's story - ( with PICS!)

    Check out Dr. Lees product: 002 (Retonic Acid .025) & 003 (Retonic Acid .05) both in 60ml bottles. They are the cheapest I've seen on the web.
  6. Norwood3McGee

    This is my current regimen.

    I really think the regimen you're suggesting is overkill for someone who is between an NW1 and 2. I'd stick with just the fincar for atleast a year maybe add minoxidil that's it. As far as dutasteride topical pssshh that's just crap don't waste your dough.
  7. Norwood3McGee

    Horrible Rogaine Experience

    Come on! You only used 7 applications? That's way too early for it to have any effect on your hair other than making cosmetically bad looking (greasy). I'd give it another shot. I've been using minoxidil for almost a year now and it's had it's ups and downs but I've most definately benefitted...