Recent content by NoPropecia

  1. N

    Cutting Propecia or Every Other Day?

    Hey all, So Propecia was working great for me. I took it for 2 months and saw some definite regrowth in my temples which is more than I could have hoped for. Unfortunately about 2 months in I started having some pretty bad anxiety and depression. I stopped taking the Propecia and it all went...
  2. N

    Regimen Advice to Maintain Temples

    Is there a danger with cutting the pills? I know it says that women shouldn't handle broken pills. I don't want to expose any of my female friends to any dangers. Also, has anyone noticed any increased incidences of side effects for people that are thinner? I'm very thin and was wondering if...
  3. N

    Regimen Advice to Maintain Temples

    What about taking Propecia every other day? Have people tried that? I ask because I really did have a great experience with Propecia. After 2 months I saw a definite change in my hairline.
  4. N

    Regimen Advice to Maintain Temples

    Unfortunately the side effects were just too well correlated with the Propecia for me to go back on it. I have heard of other people having similar side effects and even if it was a placebo effect, there's no reason why it won't happen again if I go back on. I'd just rather not have that stuff...
  5. N

    Regimen Advice to Maintain Temples

    I had some pretty bad anxiety and depression. No sexual side effects oddly enough. Of course these side effects could be completely unrelated to Propecia, but they happened out of the blue 2 months into my treatment and completely went away 10 days after stopping.
  6. N

    Regimen Advice to Maintain Temples

    Hi everyone. It looks like I'm experiencing some male pattern baldness. My brother is 7 years older than me and has a receding hairline and a bit of a bald spot. So far all I have is some receding in the temple area. It's not cosmetically significant yet but I want to try to stop it. I was on Propecia for...