Recent content by nineinchnails

  1. N

    Need help finding Dr. for hair/scalp analysis

    Hello everyone, There is a link to my story at the bottom if interested. I have had persistent scalp acne for many years (the only thing that has stopped it, but only temporarily, has been Accutane) and also have diffuse thinning all over my scalp. My scalp is also very itchy at times, as...
  2. N

    michael's story - (34 y/o diffuse thinning w/ photos)

    Hello everyone. I had blood work done last month and got my results back last week. I attached photos of the results (sorry I don't have a scanner and was too lazy to type them). Anyway, everything was normal and the only thing he mentioned could be an issue was stress, which I told him I do...
  3. N

    michael's story - (34 y/o diffuse thinning w/ photos)

    Just to update my situation, I went to see an endocrinologist recommended on another board and had all the blood work done (sorry, I don't remember everything he checked but the they took about 6 vials I think). On January 4th I go back to see him and check the results. After that appointment I...
  4. N

    michael's story - (34 y/o diffuse thinning w/ photos)

    Well, I think we are probably all our own worse critic when it comes to our hairloss. I hate my hairloss so much I'd take almost anyone else's. To me your hair looks good shaved, my hair wouldn't look like that if I shaved it.
  5. N

    michael's story - (34 y/o diffuse thinning w/ photos)

    I added a few more photos below. The hair in front is probably the thickest I have on my entire scalp; go figure. That pic is just after Pregaine shampoo and a blow dry. I will post a photo soon of me w/ the thickeners in my hair and maybe a concealer. I wish I could get a buzzcut, but I...
  6. N

    michael's story - (34 y/o diffuse thinning w/ photos)

    Hello everyone, Before I tell my story I wanted to say thanx to everyone on these boards for their input, which has helped me throughout the years. I first noticed I had hairloss when I was about 18 years (I'm 34 now) old when someone was looking at my scalp up close and told me I was...