Recent content by niallmullen95

  1. N

    Minoxidil, foam or liquid?

    Looking to start using minoxidil to try and gain back some of the recession i’m in the early stages of experiencing. I have long, pretty thick hair that I wear back, so i’m wondering whats the best solution to buy? I know that foam has ease of use but also know it might not absorb properly...
  2. N

    what norwood scale am I? 25 yr old

    Hi! I’ve had some slight recession for about a year and a half or so now, thinking if it starts to go quickly i’ll seek treatment, but for now I just want an opinion on where I am on the norwood scale so I can get an idea of how it may progress from here. Cheers!
  3. N

    25 years old, its thinned this much in a year. Should I see a doctor?

    Noticed some recision in December 2019 and it’s progressed to the point i’m starting to grow concerned. Is it as bad as I think it is? Beginning to really worry.