Recent content by MrSnipyCat

  1. M

    Uneven hairline? Mature hairline or male pattern baldness start?

    Yes, I am aware of my Widow's Peak - it has been like that from when I was young -. Also, that's one of my bigggest fears: If I happen to be balding, there is probably nothing I can do for at least 3-4 years since both Finasteride and Rogaine are +18 medicine. My father is 45 and has full head...
  2. M

    Uneven hairline? Mature hairline or male pattern baldness start?

    The thing is I am young. Tremendously young, I might add. I am just 15, and yet I fear. I have noticed that one of the corners of my hairline has gone up. It is not extremly noticeable, though I bet all of you would detect my uneven hairline at first glance, for people that do not suffer from...
  3. M

    Less hair on one side?

    So, under strong light you can easily see a "path" or a line of thinner hair. The thing is I don't know if it has been like that all my life or if it is something new. I do have an image, though. I mention that it is like that only in that side of the hair...
  4. M

    Young and... bald?

    As far as I know, can't do neither finasteride nor minoxidil while being underage. Well, thank you for answering, just one more question. That thing, at my crown, where I can see my scalp, what is it? Is it a cowlick?
  5. M

    Young and... bald?

    So, I don't know if there's an age restriction on this forum, but, I'll say, nonetheless, that I am 15 years old. My hairloss doesn't seem to be extreme, but it does seem like there is some. I lose about 15-20 strands of hair in the shower and an extra ~20 per day. I don't know if it is normal...