Recent content by Mr Wabbit

  1. Mr Wabbit


    Do you think 2009-2011 for it to be released properly or just when phase 2 trials end?
  2. Mr Wabbit

    Intercytex website FINALLY states TRC in Phase II trials

    Hello, This might seem a stupid question but where on there site does it say they have started phase 2 trials? I click ur link but it has no mention if it? Also why isnt everyone excited, surely this is what we have all been waiting for? Ta
  3. Mr Wabbit

    Starting on Finasteride advice

    Hello, Thanks a good idea, i never through of taking .25 every day :lol: I do agree it wud be better if i just took the .5 daily but i would like to start of slow and build up, then just jump straight in, if that makes any sence Do you think its possible to break the table down in to...
  4. Mr Wabbit

    Starting on Finasteride advice

    Hello, Thanks for the reply. Could you just tell me if the .5 every other day will be worth taking? I was thinking about doing this for 2mths and see how i go? Thanks
  5. Mr Wabbit

    Starting on Finasteride advice

    Hello, Well i have final decided to take the plunge and start on Finasteride, how ever i have talked my self out of 1mg a day due to im scared of side effects (i know these are rare but i dont care). So i'm thinking of taking .5 every other day to start of with, then maybe after a month or so go...
  6. Mr Wabbit

    HM / Cloning Release date pole

    Ok, I know this has been asked loads of times but i through beens there is such a vast amount of knoledge on this forum i would try and get everyones view in one thread. So if you could all answer (just) these two question: 1) When do you think HM / Cloning will become commercially...
  7. Mr Wabbit

    Quick Questions :-)

    Hello, Just a quick question. Lately when I run my hands through my hair and some hair comes out, it has a fair big white lumb attached to it. know i know it's only normal for your hair to have white bulbs on the end, but these white things are much bigger then normal bulbs (prob 2-3 times as...
  8. Mr Wabbit

    Adding Revivogen is it worth it? PLz help

    Hi, Another favor lol can any 1 recommend a website i can buy the serum from in the uk thats trust worthy? Huge thanks
  9. Mr Wabbit

    Adding Revivogen is it worth it? PLz help

    Another quick questions :-) The reason i want to add this is my hairs now going thinner in the middle :evil: but i dont want to start taking tablets. So do you lot think this is a worth while thing to add? due to its fairly expensive and if no 1 has seen any results from it, id rather save my...
  10. Mr Wabbit

    Adding Revivogen is it worth it? PLz help

    Hello, My hair seems to be getting continuously worse so iv decided to add something else. My main problem is my hairs getting thinner and my hair lines going back aswell, (if one of them wasnt bad enough) So my question is what are people views of revivogen and where is the cheapest place i...
  11. Mr Wabbit

    Ages for transplant?

    Anyone? lol am i to young for FUE at 24? Looking at hair hair today drives me mad. I looks like im heading for NW4 :cry: I need to do something :?
  12. Mr Wabbit

    Ages for transplant?

    Hello, Iv been thinking long and hard about having FUE done in the next few yrs, but after reading a few posts it seems you dont recomment it for "fairly" lol young people. So what age do you think its ok to start thinking about FUE? I have decided i dont wants strips incase i go totally bold...
  13. Mr Wabbit

    Shedding & White Bulbs?

    Hi, Yes iv got a fair few flakes. Is this a good or bad thing :shock: Do you think i should stop using the minoxidil and spironolactone for a few days?
  14. Mr Wabbit

    Shedding & White Bulbs?

    Hi, Bugger. you see iv been shedding loads of hairs lately but they all seem to have little white ends. So i was hoping these would all grow back. But if it makes no difference then they might not grow back :cry:
  15. Mr Wabbit

    Shedding & White Bulbs?

    Anyone :o