Recent content by Moximus

  1. M

    Evaluation of DNA variants associated with androgenetic alopecia and their potential

    I think the study has implications for those who don't know if they are going to suffer from male pattern baldness yet. Many of us wished we started treatments earlier than we did to diminsh the damages.
  2. M

    Study on the prediction of male pattern baldness

    Well, this isn't really a treatment. It's a prediction on if you're going to lose your hair or not. I know this isn't useful at all for many of us who are already steadily balding BUT I believe it could be useful for those who are in the "Is this actual hairloss?" stage that plagues the general...
  3. M

    Study on the prediction of male pattern baldness

    This study kind of looks promising although it has short comings. I think there would be great value in being able to predict male pattern baldness, like getting on finasteride earlier. Although the study is for forensic purposes I wonder if there would be value in a test available Evaluation of DNA Variants Associated...
  4. M

    The gene(s) that cause Male Pattern Baldness

    Obviously they can't be deactivated but if we really want to talk about the genes that play a role, let's do that. Clearly, the Androgren receptor located on the X Chromosome is probably the biggest player (and as previously mentioned, sensitivity may be correlated to CAG repeats in the...
  5. M

    Immunosuppressant Drugs and Hair Growth

    Correct, CsyA is a calcineurin inhibitor. Besides having an immunosupressant effect CIs can start cell cycles in other such cell lines. In one paper 4/8 patients taking CsyA had shown significant hair growth, but it only continued with use of the drug. Not something you'd want to mess with if...