Recent content by Mojo Risin

  1. Mojo Risin

    Hair Multiplication Update:Histogen!

    Cool. So, nothing new. The same old bla bla to get investors.
  2. Mojo Risin

    Hair Multiplication Update:Histogen!

    Eh ... new update from Histogen website. Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society (TERMIS) Asia Pacific Annual Meeting August 3-5, 2011 Singapore Dr. Gail Naughton to present "Human Tissue Engineered Soluble ECM Stimulates Hair growth While Inhibiting Cancer Cells"...
  3. Mojo Risin

    Communication in hair cell populations discoverd.

    Hey Andrei, why don't you go and shove your hair pieces up your ***. Thanks.
  4. Mojo Risin

    Why is there not a REAL solution to male pattern baldness yet?

    It will be cured within my life time, but when I'll be 50, my life will already be screwed, so yeah.
  5. Mojo Risin

    How is that possible? (Celebrity hair loss)

    Are you out of your mind ? The guy is barely a Norwood 2 in the first video and it's probably his mature hairline. And I had to say it ... this band f*****g sucks.
  6. Mojo Risin

    Why is there not a REAL solution to male pattern baldness yet?

    "It's all preliminary at the moment," says Cotsarelis, who has helped to set up a company, Follica, that will attempt to bring the idea to market. "If it all went perfectly then possibly in two to three years we would have a product, but that's very optimistic. That was in 2007. Now, in 2011...
  7. Mojo Risin

    Aderans... Possibly some promising news?

    It's gonna be injections like Botox that you'll have to get every 5-6 months. So you better be rich bro.
  8. Mojo Risin

    You know what I love about those research teams ?

    Sent e-mail to Histogen 1 month ago : No answer. Sent e-mail to Follica 1 month ago : No answer. Sent e-mail to Replicel couple weeks ago : No answer. Sent e-mail to Aderans 1 month ago : No answer. Sent e-mail to Roland Lauster 2 weeks ago : No answer. Why are they even adding a ''Contact''...
  9. Mojo Risin

    Hair Multiplication Update:Histogen!

    Intercytex had ''potential'' too. Even if they had all the money in the world, it would not speed up the clinical trials ... it has to be done correctly and it takes time. You can't buy time.
  10. Mojo Risin

    Hair follicles don't actually die -- more or less confirmed

    Oh wow, news from January. Dude, we know that already and it has been discussed multiple times.
  11. Mojo Risin

    Embryonic stem cells

    I'm not trolling. It's Cotsarelis with the famous Troll face. I thought it was funny considering his reputation.
  12. Mojo Risin

    Hair Multiplication Update:Histogen!

    Don't get too excited. They're not even as far as Intercytex was before going bankrupt.
  13. Mojo Risin

    Embryonic stem cells

    Well, as far as I know, nobody used EMBRYONIC stem cells so far ... since it's illegal in most of the countries (this is very complicated, all the countries have their own restriction regarding those particular cells) ... but in Asia, it is allowed for research and therapeutic purposes.