Recent content by Mike195

  1. M

    Started testosterone, propecia, dutastride, nizoral, spironolactone, minoxidil, azelaic acid

    Hello everyone! I was recently put on testosterone replacement therapy. A few weeks after starting I noticed an increase in shedding (not surprising). To combat shedding I started using: Rogaine 5% - at least 1x a day at night, sometimes in the morning for a few hours before I go out. Propecia...
  2. M

    19 yr old considering rogaine. Diffuse thinner.

    Hey there, I'm 23 and I also have diffuse thinning. At a time I used romaine liquid, and it was an absolute pain. If your a diffuse thinner then you will want to apply it to your entire head, witch made my hair look terrible, so I only used it at night and eventually stopped. I also used to take...
  3. M

    Can I mix spironolactone tablets with shampoo?

    Hello everyone! I was curious if I can mix spironolactone tablets with something like baby shampoo? Thanks!