Recent content by Mattyman

  1. M

    17 Years Old, Losing Hair Or Not? Help?!

    The fact that I am only 17 freaks me out. How sure are you? Do you recommend finasteride etc?
  2. M

    17 Years Old, Losing Hair Or Not? Help?!

    I just realised this is what my hairline looks like when wet. In the picture am I under a bright light but this is what my hair looks like in every bathroom with the light above. Should I be worried about this? This is making me crazy right now I dont wanna lose the hair when im just 17 years...
  3. M

    17 Years Old, Losing Hair Or Not? Help?!

    Here are some more pictures of my hairline. The first pic is 2 years ago from when I am 15 years old. It looks a lot like my hairline today could that mean that I am not losing any hair? That it's just my normal hairline that is formed in this way?
  4. M

    17 Years Old, Losing Hair Or Not? Help?!

    Your point is that I only have a mature hairline?
  5. M

    17 Years Old, Losing Hair Or Not? Help?!

    Hi! I am a 17 years old boy who is really nervous about losing the hair in a too young age. I have allways had a m-shaped hairline as long as I can remember. I've seen pictures of myself from 2 years ago and it looks quite the same as right now. Anyway I dont really know if i am overreacting...