Recent content by mastery

  1. M

    Dead person to live person scalp transplants a reality?!

    Hmmm I would do it... probably... Having said that - surely there cannot be enough donors? Not really sure what percentage of young people die but surely demand would outstrip supply by a long way. Is a creepy thought... BUT ... I would consider it. PS - yes is the Simpsons episode where...
  2. M

    Ok, where can I get estimates on HM?

    I think it's fairly evident that HM is going to be the silver bullet for hair loss. The research that is going on with stem cells and there cababilities is very promising indeed. Every few weeks a new story comes out about the power of stem cells to rejuvinate other dead cells. They are...
  3. M

    How detectable are they?

    Thanks guys. I am 28 yo and a Norwood 3 at the moment but diffuse all over and getting worse every day. Have been on propecia and now dutasteride and they are now failing big time so preparing myself for the next few years... Until HM comes along. Couple more questions: 1. So you are saying it is best to...
  4. M

    How detectable are they?

    How obvious is it when you get a piece? Would a girl notice easily if she ran her hands through your hair (piece)? Or would she have to look at it very closely?
  5. M

    I'm giving up on Dutasteride

    Hey Kalbo, just spotted this post of yours. As before I am really struggling on dutasteride nearly 8 months in. Hair overall is weaker and I am shedding horribly minaturised hairs everwhere. Crown, hairline and diffuse thinning all being hit badly. I recently upped my dosage to 1mg a day (2 dutas). To...
  6. M

    If there were a Big 4.....

    Hey Kalbo Sorry to hear your dutasteride experiment failed. My hair is getting worse still everyday :( Am gonna stick on it because surely a return to propecia would just mean more DHT right? Let me know how it goes. Anyway my fourth is sadly vitamin pills.... M
  7. M

    Put your hands up if you take dutasteride!

    Me too... 7 and a half months... Getting worse by the day at the moment stilll :(
  8. M

    7 months on avodart - update :(

    I think the gutting thing is how good your hair can be on these drugs then just as you start to not worry about your hair the rug gets pulled from under your feet and you are back to square one having saved about 2 years (which in a grand scheme of 80 years plus is not a great deal. Hairline...
  9. M

    7 months on avodart - update :(

    Ok am 28 years old. Norwood 2.5 - 3. Diffuse thinner as well. Started Propecia in June 2006 when I was rapidly becoming bald. Had excellent results for 18 months. Added minoxidil in March 2008 as my hair started to decline again, then upped my does of finesteride between March 2006 - June 2006 slowly up...
  10. M

    7 months on avodart - update :(

    Well reading the other posts on here I am not alone when I say that my hair is getting worse by the day. 7 months in and I am losing the battle on my hairline, my crown and the overall density of my hair. Looking back - from months 2-3 my hair thickened up nicely, no regrowth but it did look...
  11. M

    8 months complete on dutasteride...update

    Dani I'm on dutasteride and struggling like you - I currently am 5 1/2 months in. Quick question - is your hair that remains thicker than when you started? I have continued to lose hair all over, especially in the problem areas (crown and hairline) but I think the hairs that are still there are...
  12. M

    Dutasteride Success stories - MWC

    I found this website below - Medical Wellness Centre containing "unedited responses" from dutasteride users. Can anyone vouch for this site? Or is it just a hoax to get everyone to buy their Avodart from them? ... Xpage.html 5 and a half months in and I have...
  13. M

    7 Months update on dutasteride

    I've used minoxidil on my hairline (on and off) twice a day for the last 6 months also a quick dab on my crown. It has helped ... a bit ... But this dutasteride hairline shed/thinning hurts and Minoxidil can't seem to stop it.
  14. M

    7 Months update on dutasteride

    Dani Am watching your progress - am 4 1/2 months into dutasteride and getting worse everyday :( 2 good years on finasteride started to lose ground again so jumped on dutasteride. Problem areas being (not suprisingly...) hairline and crown which not only shedding but getting weaker. Overall shedding has slowed...
  15. M

    6 weeks on Avodart - Hairline trouble - Help!!

    Plenty of people have had success with Moinoxidil on the hairline - including myself initially 6 months ago. The hairs that grew were long and straggly - but at least they were hairs...! 6 months later and 4 months into dutasteride it does not seem to be stopping the tide.... Yet!