Recent content by Manow

  1. M

    New information regarding optimal finasteride dosage?

    Currently I use 0.625mg finasteride (1/8 of a 5mg tablet). Partly to save money, partly because I feel more "safe" with this lower dosage compared to 1.25mg (1/4 of a 5mg tab). Now I've gone through the archives on this forum and it seems like 0.625mg should be very close in effectiveness to 1mg (I'm...
  2. M

    Do you wish you would have started earlier?

    Nah, I think it's probably a bad idea to mess with your hormones before you're fully grown. I started at 20, any earlier than that I would've been worried about messing with my hormones.
  3. M

    Propecia - not everyone is having side effect?

    Yes, not everyone has sides. If they did, this drug probably wouldn't have made it to market.
  4. M

    Dont quite Propecia to early

    I had sides for a week or two, was on the verge of quitting, but then my sides stopped and now have been smooth sailing for 2 years.