Recent content by magid

  1. M

    Six's Story - (Age 17, balding like crazy. pics.)

    im in the same situation as u, almost identical. same age, same treatment, same result. trust me on this, get hair fibers, and stop shaving your head. u can scrap the minoxidil and put the money towards the fixers. if your keeping your hair shorter just get toppik, if youre growing it longer...
  2. M

    Finasteride and fat

    Aging (with slowing of the metabolism, diet, and a sedentary lifestyle) is the primary cause of weight gain. Don’t look to blame the drug finasteride for it. Although i think it is a possible side effect. If there was "definitive evidence" pointing toward it then the FDA would have something...
  3. M

    minoxidil enough for this? picture inside

    100ml? is that a joke? I suggest you start taking propecia. You still have a good amount of hair, propecia might do the trick for you.
  4. M

    minoxidil side effects firstly appearing after 2 months?

    i had the exact same thing. started about 2 months after i started using 4-5ml of 5% at a time. i went off for a while and things did go back to normal but hair gains were vanishing too. i went back on and use a little less and still sometimes notice the difficulty in taking in a full deep...
  5. M


    don't base your decisions off of other peoples rare misfortunes. although i find it kinda funny that ud stop minoxidil and not propecia....
  6. M


    Minoxidil is one of only two FDA-approved treatments for hair loss and is the only anti-baldness drug approved for women. Originally introduced as a medicine to treat high blood pressure, it was noticed that users began to grow extra hair. It is now available without prescription as a topically...
  7. M


    well you have a few options. 1. upping the propecia dose 2. switch to dutasteride 3. look into hair transplantation surgery but id say for now get on minoxidil regardless of which androgen blocker you decide to take.
  8. M

    Six's Story - (Age 17, balding like crazy. pics.)

    Re: Age 17, balding like crazy. pics. you need a prescription which you will be able to get from a dermo if not your gp. im 16 and on finasteride btw, had some sides and quit for about 2 weeks but now back on and everythings fine. its worth it trust me. also get some minoxidil 5%.
  9. M

    Too young to take finpecia?

    nah you're fine. testicle soreness with ease up with time and erectile issues are probably physiological and even if they're not, slight decrease in libido isn't the end of the world.
  10. M

    Peapoddy's Story - (25 : Just Starting Finasteride)

    Peapoddy can you post some more pictures from all angles compared to originals? sick results btw
  11. M

    I guess things aren´t working well

    Nizoral 2% shampoo and/or tGel.
  12. M

    how effective is a laser hair comb for a 17 year old?

    mostly ineffective. i suggest you get on minoxidil 5%. if hairloss gets worse jump on propecia.
  13. M

    finas 1.5 month slight burning sensation

    take a look at this: ... -propecia/ that seems like the same issue i had and it seems it subsided for both people who quit and started again and those who simply stayed with it. they dont seem to think it such a dangerous side. now im scared to...
  14. M

    finas 1.5 month slight burning sensation

    Im going to see my gp sometime this month. yes he was aware of my age. i really want to continue using finasteride (maybe half, or maybe wait a year or so) but i really am sure that it caused this. i was in amazing health before starting and never had any even slightly related issues. do you...
  15. M

    finas 1.5 month slight burning sensation

    thanks Propecia. could this be a reaction to the drug due to my young age? im 16. do you think if i get back back on it in 2 years i have less of a chance or redeveloping sides?