Recent content by MaeReeves

  1. MaeReeves

    Dental Work In The Days After Transplant

    OK, my dear, we are going to figure this out. I had the same problems, and I could help you. But it was with my nails I had a deficit of calcium. I consulted many family doctors, and they recommended me this company...
  2. MaeReeves

    Good relatively cheap surgeons in Turkey

    I think around 3 or 2 thousand euros, my man.
  3. MaeReeves

    The Best hair transplant in the world

    Interesting question, but I think in Turkey.
  4. MaeReeves

    Which hair transplant method/clinic do you suggest?

    Go to the Turkish doctors, they are the best.
  5. MaeReeves

    Doctor Dentist Hospital How To Hide It ?

    A professional dentist will never pay attention to your hair system in his life, my friend and especially the staff, it's not their business, but yours. I know this because I work as a Dental Assistant myself and never in my life fixated on such things as you mentioned. And do not ask such...