Recent content by madlad2

  1. M

    My progress (MOVIE) NEW page 3

    I had exactly the same thing; left side got a bit rounder/bigger.
  2. M

    My progress (MOVIE) NEW page 3

    NOt sure if you posted this anywhere - what did you reduce from and to? Did you notice fullness on just one breast or both?
  3. M

    Help! Side effects after 1 Dutas Tab

    Whilst I'm not expecting empathy - I do expect manners - I was asking a question; no one was forcing you to read the post or indeed answer it. It might seem like hysteria because you don't believe it, that doesn't negate it's existence. I never claimed that it was gyno- I just stated the...
  4. M

    Help! Side effects after 1 Dutas Tab

    I'm definitely sure it's not. I'm fairly thin, so I can see an increase in the chest - going from pancake flat to a mound is noticeable. Additionally, even my GP (who i went to yesterday) could see a difference between each side (above and over the usual left/right differences). For those who...
  5. M

    Help! Side effects after 1 Dutas Tab

    I took one Dutas pill last week monday (first and only) and 24 hours later my left chest was enlarged with what feels like a fatty layer (i'm very thin, so it's fairly obvious to see). The right chest is as normal. What should I do? Has anyone else had a similar reaction? Did the fat...