Recent content by killbill123

  1. K

    Fork in the road

    5 months on finasteride (brand-name propecia). Really just got on it as I had some recession and thinning. finasteride has not slowed or stopped it. I started taking it during a very stressful time - graduating from law school and taking the bar. I've heard things here and there about 6 months being a low...
  2. K

    3 months on finasteride now..

    I'm at 4 mos, and I report similar things. But I keep hearing that it'll get better after 6 mos so I'm riding it out.
  3. K

    finasteride's increase on Testosterone

    What do we know about finasteride increasing testosterone on the scalp? Is this rumor or have studies shown this? Is it also true that testosterone affects the front more than the rest of the scalp?
  4. K

    Questions about the Sticky and Causes of a Propecia shed?

    nothing? no comment from the authors of the sticky to clarify? bump
  5. K

    pics of 4 weeks with finasteride

    Little low of an estimate, no? I usually hear a year, with 6 months at a minimum. 3 months is not a good rule of'd have to be an above-normal responder to wait only this long.
  6. K

    Not responding?

    this forum is NOT--REPEAT NOT-- a scientifically valid sample size for you to make that kind of conclusion. For one thing someone who finasteride is working great for has very little reason to go to a hairloss website and post, while someone who finasteride is NOT working for will want to go to the site and...
  7. K

    merck refund?

    someone on here did, forget the username tho. but i know its not a scam.
  8. K

    Is Nizoral dangerous?

    Re: effects Look around a bit on the site, We call nizoral, Propecia, and minoxidil "the Big 3" that are the best arsenal against hair loss. It's most certainly OK to use all 3 together.
  9. K

    SSRI's may have anti-inflammatory properties.

    3 months on Wednesday.
  10. K


    Yes, they are salon products. Not intended to treat hair loss. They do say they remove surface DHT and whatnot, but they dont claim to maintain and regrow hair. They make your scalp feel hella good and the only thing they tout themselves as is a thickening treatment, but again it only says it...
  11. K

    will finasteride help frontal loss?

    my front has gotten worse 3 months in on of the head is OK, but definite thinning up front.
  12. K

    SSRI's may have anti-inflammatory properties.

    Read it again - my shedding has NOT stopped since the second time I stopped taking the drug. Interestingly, between the first and second times I was on Cymbalta, I tried Welbutrin and Effexor. They weren't as good for my anxiety as Cymbalta, but no shedding or hair loss - go figure. My...
  13. K

    SSRI's may have anti-inflammatory properties.

    My hair loss started after 3-4 months on Cymbalta (one of the new SSNRIs). When off of it for 6 months, and it stopped. Had a rough go of things and went back on it, and sure enough the sheds picked back up. Went off of it again, and the shedding never stopped. Not saying my hair loss is...
  14. K

    finasteride problem?

    Logic would dictate a minor setback in terms of progress, but you're not back to square 1 I wouldn't think...nor would it make things worse for the meantime.
  15. K

    Questions about the Sticky and Causes of a Propecia shed?

    Reading the shed sticky, I was a bit confused. Is the 11-16th week Propecia shed caused by Telogen Effluvium or is it caused by hairs coming out of telogen and into anagen? I've read it a couple of times and it seems to suggest both or either. I'm at 3 months on Propecia today. Front has thinned a good...