Recent content by justony

  1. justony

    Justony Story - 35month update On the right path... PICS!

    Hey guys thanks for the comments, I have been on finasteride for over 2 years now... and I've had no side effects, i believe finasteride helped in keeping original hair, however in my case, i don't consider it to be a growth factor. All my growth and loss, i believe, is attributed to my use of rogaine foam and...
  2. justony

    Justony Story - 35month update On the right path... PICS!

    Re: Justony Story - 33month update and its not a good one. PICS! 35 month update I have been on my new regimen for 2 months now and i would like to share the results. I have been taking pictures with my hd webcam everyweek after i buzz my head in order to get the most accurate angles in order...
  3. justony

    Justony Story - 35month update On the right path... PICS!

    Re: Justony Story - 33month update and its not a good one. PICS! minoxidil, spironolactone and other topicals are defenatly much easier to apply and live with when hair is short... I've seen lots of people on the forum that have had a massive minoxidil shed after discontinued use and went to near baseline, to...
  4. justony

    Justony Story - 35month update On the right path... PICS!

    Re: Justony Story - 33month update and its not a good one. PICS! ya travis, already do shave the sides shorter then the top. I shave my head every week, took the pics right before i shaved my head. I get a good 4 days out of the week without the baldness showing. I usually do it with no guard...
  5. justony

    Justony Story - 35month update On the right path... PICS!

    Re: Justony Story - (25 / 6month UPDATE!! *PICS* succes to come! Ok my fellow baldies heres my 33month update and its not a good one! but im still Optimistic! hopefully.... After i stopped posting here at 6 months i was getting good results. Heres how it went afterwards... At six months...
  6. justony

    Justony Story - 35month update On the right path... PICS!

    Re: Justony Story - 25 / 6month UPDATE!! *PICS* succes to come! thanks but no thanks... the less stuff i use the better... ill give finasteride a try before i go on anything more potent... and i know how against u are about finasteride irish :P ill post again in 3 months time! :)
  7. justony

    Justony Story - 35month update On the right path... PICS!

    Re: Justony Story - 25 / 6month UPDATE!! *PICS* succes to come! There are sides from minoxidil... I experianced the brutally itchy red scalp for about a month in October... The more I scratched the more it got worse... Now it doesn't itch anymore... And I've trained myself to no scratch... this is...
  8. justony

    Justony Story - 35month update On the right path... PICS!

    Re: Justony Story - (25 / 6month miniUPDATE!! *PICSoon*) pg 4 Ok so heres my update with pics So 6 months in and went through a pretty severe shed in November. 0days 45days 90days and finally 180 days Still no flash 90days 180days I never wanted to post a pic with flash because they...
  9. justony

    Young and balding

    Re: JOE-91's Story - (18 And losing hair rapidly) This is a typical effect of loosing hair... you automatically assume that girls lose interest because your loosing your hair... First off girls don't really care for a head of hair regardless of what you think you know... Here's an interesting...
  10. justony

    Justony Story - 35month update On the right path... PICS!

    Re: Justony Story - (25 / 3month UPDATE!! ***PICS***) pg 2 ok ive decided to revive my thread! :) so its been a full 6 months on my Rogaine foam juice, saw palmetto and nizoral, with multi vitamins regimen. After going through a pretty sever shed in November, instead of quitting i stuck with my...
  11. justony

    Justony Story - 35month update On the right path... PICS!

    Re: Justony Story - (25 / 3month UPDATE!! ***PICS***) pg 2 maybe i would, however while i still have hair... might as well try and save it and keep it buzzed... :)
  12. justony

    Justony Story - 35month update On the right path... PICS!

    Re: Justony Story - (25 / 3month UPDATE!! ***PICS***) pg 2 well i used to be on Provillus and thats 1000mg per day serving, 2 doses of 500mg, i am now on a dose of 320mg per day 2X 160, however the pharmacist explain to me that saw palmetto is absorbed better with fatty acids, the higher the...
  13. justony

    Justony Story - 35month update On the right path... PICS!

    Re: Justony Story - (25 / 3month UPDATE!! ***PICS***) pg 2 lol guys and yes this is all legit!! its my office at work! and yes i could do this while im at work cuz i kinda own the place... :) i use the same spot to get the lighting for the pics the same for every time i do updates. so its as...
  14. justony

    Justony Story - 35month update On the right path... PICS!

    Re: Justony Story - (25 / 3month UPDATE!! ***PICS***) OK So here we go!... wow takes time to do updates... lol So i came back from my trip from Europe at the beginning on the month, shaved my head and took pics and now i finally got a bit of time to post some updates. As for my treatment...
  15. justony

    Justony Story - 35month update On the right path... PICS!

    Re: Justony Story - (24 / ....6week Update!!*PICS*) hi everyone! ive been in europe for the past 5 weeks, took some sun and relaxed and most of all got hammered almost everyday... :hump: LOL as for the forum ill try to post some updates this week when i shave my head later boys!