Recent content by jonas.hx

  1. J

    Can't take this sh*t anymore

    I completely understand what you guys say, but you really need to change your mindset. It is so unappreciative to say that you would rather lose a leg than your hair. I am 17 and have quite extreme diffuse thinning and am a NW2. It is normal to shed up to 2-3 months. I had the most extreme sheds...
  2. J

    Balding teen? Input wanted please.

    Finasteride and Minoxidil is my suggestion if you are really worried. But Finasteride would probably be completely sufficient for the next few years. I am also 17 with quite extreme diffuse thinning and a NW2 so you have a very very good status at the moment. Good luck!
  3. J

    Balding since 14, Should I start rogain or finasteride?

    So I‘m 17 years old myself and am even more “bald" than you are. I would suggest you to start treatment as soon as possible with something that works! Not so much natural and too experimental stuff. The earlier you start, the more you are likely to keep.
  4. J

    Only 17 is it balding or bad hairline??

    Hey! I think that you might be slightly balding, but not 100% sure. Especially as you say that you always had a widows peak. I mean you still have great density. I'm also 17 and my situation is waay worse regarding the density, but with my current regimen it is already improving. I'm...