Recent content by johndohh

  1. J

    i thought hair loss was supposed to slow down by mid 30s

    So what Norwood are you right now? What Norwood were you before the aggressive receding? Do you have any pictures? There is suppose to be a correlation between hair loss and your immune system so maybe that's why things are getting worst now that you are not taking your antibiotics. What I...
  2. J

    breast pain

    My right nipple became sensitive the first week I started propecia. However the problem went away after I stopped taking Saw Palmetto (1000 mg) and stopped thinking about gyno. Still not sure if my nipple sensitivity went away because my body adjusted to propecia or if I stopped thinking about...
  3. J

    Minoxidil Side Effects include weight gain?

    Yeah I'm extremely sceptical of people who say propecia or minoxidil made them fat. Since you say quite a bit of weight I'm even more sceptical. I don't think it's humanly possible to have so much water retention that it would lead to quite a bit of weight gain. I can see 5-10 lbs at the most but...
  4. J

    My son's Tyler's story

    I would personally cancel the free hair transplant consultation. I would think any reputable doctor would have told you to not even come in once you told them the age of your son. You have also come to the right place since there are a lot of knowledgable people on this board with...
  5. J

    minoxidil in canada

    I'm in Ontario and I order my 5% solution from Dr. Lee's website with no prescription. Trust me the site is for real even though it looks like shite. I hear his products cost more compared to others but I don't mind paying for it because they are non greasy and they dry...
  6. J

    Bladzz30's story - (The Results are in!)

    It's post like these that keeps me going (I'm 3 and half months into the big three) ... thanks for posting. This should definitely be moved to the success forum. Bladzz, How old are you if you don't mind me asking?
  7. J


    Would it be possible for you to take another picture but with better lighting?
  8. J

    f*** Social Anxiety! ive won the war!

    Don't kid yourself, I've never seen a race that does not suffer from hair loss.
  9. J

    use 0.625mg finasteride per day

    Try adding soy milk to your diet. I hear it helps fight gyno (male breasts, sensitive nipple, etc). I had the same sensation when I started, but I was taking saw palmetto as well and once I stopped taking it, the sensitivity went away. I also increased my daily intake of soy milk to about a...
  10. J

    regrowth after propecia shed poll

    It's important to remember that those who have had success with propecia or any other hairloss treatment will more than likely never read this topic or this forum again .... that is until their treatment stops working. This poll to me makes perfect sense since it backs my theory which is those...