Recent content by jimbobsalamiface

  1. J

    Reducing Oily skin on Forehead and Scalp

    I've been suffering from an extremely oily forehead for years now, especially closer to the hair line. I wake up in the morning and it's unbelievably oily. After washing my hair, about 3/4 hours later it's oily again and I have to deal with it. Does anybody have any advice on how to...
  2. J

    Quick question...

    Recently switched from finpecia to proscar and a few days afterwards the shedding seems to be ridiculously bad. `It's only in a few areas though... Should this be happening? I've read about shedding after a few weeks/months but not days.
  3. J

    Jimbobsalamiface's story

    Jimbobsalamiface's story (10 months on) Hey guys. Noticed my hair getting gradually worse, so eventually started to do something about it! Noticed my crown getting worse and also my temples were looking pretty shoddy as well. Used to count the hairs on the pillow when i woke up in the morning...