Recent content by jeoman

  1. J

    Need some help with my hairline

    Is it possible that the hairline can mature back into it's perfect square shape? It looks like it could make a small right turn and patch it up without a problem.
  2. J

    Need some help with my hairline

    I'm turning 16 in a couple months and I'm having issues with my hairline. I use to have a full boxed perfect hairline around 5 years ago when I had my head shaved. I've been trying to wear my hair a bit longer so I can comb it and hair spray it to the side where it hides it. I got a haircut...
  3. J

    Bill Gates is going bald

    I don't remember him every looking that bad :/
  4. J

    18 Year Old With Receding Hairline?! HELP

    I'm turning 16 in about 2 months and I'm having hairline issues too...
  5. J

    When is it time to stop Rogaine?

    I'm thinking of trying it, sadly :(