Recent content by jc1

  1. jc1


    Hi Taugenichts, Thanks for the reply, What is regime??
  2. jc1


    Hi KR78, I started with the rogaine liquid version and have just now gone with the foam version which seems to leave my hair feeling less greasy than the liquid version does. I am using tricomin shampoo, conditioner on alternate days and tricomin follicle spray to try and help with the...
  3. jc1


    Thanks for the feedback, I have just read that propecia may possibly be the cause for the shedding on the poll posted on this site. I wonder if this may be the cause for the shedding instead of the rogaine. I appreciate any feedback Thanks
  4. jc1


    Hi All, I have recently joined this site and have been impressed with the feedback you all give one another. I have been losing my hair since early 20's now 38. I had a hair transplant 10 years ago which worked well but took 12 months to fully grow in. Since 2004 I have been on propecia...