Recent content by jbaxter68124

  1. J

    Minoxidil Math! (2 Part Question, Please Help)

    Andy26, what are you talking about? You typed a very long post. This thread is simply answering the question "Does 2ml of 5% contain the same amount of drug as 1ml 10%"? Pavi was wrong! The amount of drug in both are the same.
  2. J

    Pefect Hair Minoxidil Brand - Please Help

    I spoke with the company recently. They seem to be trustworthy. It's my favorite minoxidil thus far. Smells good and fast drying. Results are always pretty impossible to tell. Especially when you were doing a derma roller at the same time. You are never sure what is doing what.
  3. J

    Minoxidil Math! (2 Part Question, Please Help)

    Vegeta, what the heck? You just typed a really, really long response when I asked you to try and explain how I was wrong and the very last statement of your post said I was correct. What! Vegeta and Pavi - the amount of minoxidil in 2ml of 5% and 1ml of 10% is exactly the same. That's all...
  4. J

    Minoxidil Math! (2 Part Question, Please Help)

    It's not equivalent because the concentration is different. Jesus Christ. I'm a bit upset.
  5. J

    Minoxidil Math! (2 Part Question, Please Help)

    Jesus Christ. That's like saying 2 10mg pills of Adderall is not equivalent to a 20mg pill of Adderall!! You guys are driving me crazy!
  6. J

    Minoxidil Math! (2 Part Question, Please Help)

    Vegeta - I don't get. I just don't get it. Try to explain in terms of a 6 year old. Because I just don't get it. Explain how 2ml of 5% is not equivalent to 1ml of 10%. That doesn't make ANY sense!
  7. J

    Minoxidil Math! (2 Part Question, Please Help)

    Pavi, you asked above to use math to explain my logic. 2ml of 5% equals 100mg of total drug applied to scalp. (50mg per ml). 1ml of 10% equals 100mg of total drug applied to the scalp (100mg per ml). They are the same. Thus, using math, I have explained how you are wrong. It's driving me...
  8. J

    Minoxidil Math! (2 Part Question, Please Help)

    Pavi I'm really trying to see your logic, but I don't. We don't care about the total volume of the solution applied. We only care about the active medicine that ends up on the scalp. 2ml of 5% equals 1ml of 10%. This is obvious. You're missing something. Anyone else?
  9. J

    Minoxidil Math! (2 Part Question, Please Help)

    I think you are totolly wrong. The same amount of medication is delivered each way! I'm just not seeing your logic man. And I was a math major. Anyone else??
  10. J

    Minoxidil Math! (2 Part Question, Please Help)

    Pavi! That is wrong! We are not talking about changing the concentration! We are talking about doing equivalent amount of medication using different concentrations. 2ml of 5% is the same as 1ml of 10%. Are you confused?
  11. J

    Pefect Hair Minoxidil Brand - Please Help

    Is anyone else using "Perfect Hair" minoxidil? Various people are selling it on ebay. I love this because it smells great, dries fast, and it apparently has 5% azelaic acid in it. It's the ONLY minoxidil I can find in the United States that contains Azelaic acid. (Please correct me if I'm...
  12. J

    Minoxidil Math! (2 Part Question, Please Help)

    That's good news. I don't think people buying the 10% and 15% realize this simple little trick. The only downside is that you go through the solution quicker.