Recent content by Jamie1993

  1. Jamie1993

    Just 4 months in, great results (pictures) - Propecia, Regaine and Nizoral.

    Excellent results, mate. Is it Propecia tablets 1mg you got from boots? I typed propecia into the boots website and that's the only results that came up. And could you tell me where you got the Regaine and how much it was. Sorry if you have already mentioned it. Cheers!
  2. Jamie1993

    Big 3 and Just for Men...

    Where abouts did you get the products? I'm from Scotland too, mate.
  3. Jamie1993

    18 and losing hair fast! (pics)

    Has anyone seen a dermatologist and do you think it would be worth me seeing one?
  4. Jamie1993

    18 and losing hair fast! (pics)

    My dad started losing his hair in his late 30's, but his dad has a full head of hair. It seems like it's thinning more and more every month that's why I have to act fast
  5. Jamie1993

    18 and losing hair fast! (pics)

    Thanks, lads! I'll try and get it in the next few days.
  6. Jamie1993

    18 and losing hair fast! (pics)

    Hi, lads. I just joined this forum because I have noticed my hair receding for the last 1-2 years. It's been getting me down and it's all I can think about, especially when i'm out shopping and see people my age with a full head of hair. If I don't do something now I reckon I'll be bald by the...