Recent content by jaindar343

  1. J

    What's happening to my hair?

    IF you not care for your hair then your hair is a many problems. hair transplant in PUNE || hair transplant in INDORE ||
  2. J

    Wat sucks about hair loss

    The wat stucks about of hair loss MIT couldn't explain the anomaly with regards to never getting used to your appearance, there could be a million different reasons why your appearance significantly effects us they said, it stands alone as a life change that can affect us for our entire lives...
  3. J

    Green tea

    green tea is a very benefit for our health. because it protects many useful benefit. it helps me losing some weight and it makes a man active and, i think green tea is a very useful for our health.
  4. J

    Protein shakes

    protein shakes is a very useful of our healths. this make a man healthy. this is a very important and useful product of thin man.
  5. J

    Someone help me put on some weight?

    please need me some help of i have put on me some weights. because i want some muscular body
  6. J

    Make your nose smaller without surgery

    if you want make your nose smaller without surgery then your meet dr. kalia gives the tips when you treat the nose smaller without surgery
  7. J

    Working out = hair loss?

    I am working hard out of hair loss. please need me some help for or tips for hair loss .