Recent content by IslaStephenson

  1. IslaStephenson

    Botox And Scalp Tension Relaxer To Treat Androgenetic Alopecia

    Thanks for sharing those interesting studies on Botox and scalp tension relaxer for treating androgenetic alopecia. I took a look, and it seems like there's some promising research out there. Have you tried any of these treatments yourself? Btw, have you also tried Pico laser for acne scars?That...
  2. IslaStephenson

    How To Find Out If Finasteride Is Causing Anxiety?

    Hello there! I came across your old forum post about your concerns with finasteride and anxiety. I'm sorry to hear that you're struggling with this issue. Hope you feel better now. I just wanted to suggest a kava bar that might help you relax and unwind - Hideout Kava Bar Downtown West Palm...
  3. IslaStephenson

    Need Your Urgent Advice: Has Anybody Here Experienced Insomnia On Finasteride?

    Hey there. Sorry to hear you're going through a rough patch with insomnia. It can be a real drag, but hopefully, we can help find a solution. First off, have you talked to your doctor about your concerns with Finasteride? It's always a good idea to rule out any potential medical causes before...
  4. IslaStephenson

    Is Dementia/brain Fog A Real Issue With Finasteride?

    Pathologies that might cause degenerative processes and the loss of brain cells may be the cause of these changes. The cerebral cortex is destroyed in diseases like Alzheimer's syndrome, Pick's syndrome, or dementia with Levi's corpuscles, which have independent characteristics. It is feasible...
  5. IslaStephenson

    Erectile Dysfunction - Using Genuine Properica For Almost 2 Years

    Many young men experience erection problems with new sexual partners early in a relationship.