Recent content by Ikkaku

  1. Ikkaku

    Update From The God Himself - Dr. Takashi Tsuji

    The video of bat soup is not from china but from Palau.
  2. Ikkaku

    Is It Obvious To People I'm Balding?

    Lmao, if your forehead is big, mine is so much bigger that it's like i don't have anymore one.
  3. Ikkaku

    Has Hair Loss Made Anyone Else A Bad Person?

    With my family, a little yes.
  4. Ikkaku

    Here Are The Required Steps For All Balding Men
  5. Ikkaku

    Rocking The Buzz / Bald Look. Opinions

    Good, don't worry about it anymore.
  6. Ikkaku

    Update From The God Himself - Dr. Takashi Tsuji

    DAmn, some people are rude here
  7. Ikkaku

    New Hsc Timeline Projects Release At 2024

    Histogen still alive ? Lmao. It looks like prehistoric stuff now.
  8. Ikkaku

    Swiss Scientists Upgrade Crispr To Edit Many Genes At Once

    I think it's for the next generations.