Recent content by hopeofhair

  1. H

    Hopeofhair's Story - (28 /after 7 years of battling hairloss

    Hi Its been a few months since I last posted an update. For the last 2 months I have increased my daily dose of Propecia to 1mg. This first picture was the condition of my hair back in September 2010. This picture was taken last week. I am personally very pleased with the results so far...
  2. H

    I never understand people who "play down" male pattern baldness

    I think people are just trying to make the best of a bad situation. Some people can just accept it and move on, some can't and find themselves on this forum.
  3. H

    Giveandgo's Story - (23)

    Your hairloss is very similar to mine with a thin strip down the middle. I would give meds a try. I've been on 0.5 mg of Propecia daily for 4 months now and my hair is starting to thicken up (I will post updated pics soon). I know most will say shave it but its whether you are comfortable...
  4. H

    Hopeofhair's Story - (28 /after 7 years of battling hairloss

    Hi all Been a while since I posted an update. After a temporary stop of Propecia im now back on it, still have some sides but not as bad as they were. I think there has been a small improvement since 2 months ago, my hair doesnt look as thin and I can see lots of new hairs growing around my...
  5. H

    miconazole nitrate

    I started using this during the week (Daktarin Activ). I don't use minoxidill and just apply it every night.
  6. H

    Hopeofhair's Story - (28 /after 7 years of battling hairloss

    I haven't taken any finasteride now for 3 days and feel noticeably brighter and more alert. I just find it strange I was able to take this drug for nearly 3 years previously but can't manage it now. Thanks, I will look into those treatments you mentioned. Although I am going to need something to...
  7. H

    Hopeofhair's Story - (28 /after 7 years of battling hairloss

    Well I've been on Propecia now for 2 weeks and have been experiencing some sides the last few days. Most noticeable is nut ache and brain fog. Also havent been sleeping as well either. As for the brain fog its affecting my general concentration. Don't remember getting these side effects...
  8. H

    Hopeofhair's Story - (28 /after 7 years of battling hairloss

    From what I've read online, 0.5 mg is usually just as effective as 1mg. When I used Propecia before, I responded very well and very quickly so I hope I get decent results this time round. Im not expecting to fully regrow the thinning area. If the Propecia reduced thinning and thickened my hair...
  9. H

    Hopeofhair's Story - (28 /after 7 years of battling hairloss

    Hi all Haven't given an update for a while now. I went to see my doctor last week and have gone back on Propecia. Only this time I am only taking 0.5 mg a day as this is more cost effective and will hopefully reduce any chances of sides. I am also still using Nizoral once a week which seems...
  10. H

    Hopeofhair's Story - (28 /after 7 years of battling hairloss

    Ok first month update. Still sticking to the regime so far. Pic below. From what I can see there has been no change.. Uploaded with
  11. H

    Has Saw Palmetto Helped?

    Sorry to bump an old thread. I started taking Holland and Barratt saw palmetto tablets a month ago. Are you taking the sp standardised extract tablets? If so 4 a day sounds like quite a high dose. The recommendation is 1 a day. So far Ive found my hair is looking a bit thicker after a month...
  12. H

    Hopeofhair's Story - (28 /after 7 years of battling hairloss

    Hi Just new to the forum and here is my story so far. My hair began receding round the temples when I was 21 so after 6 months and a doctors visit I was prescribed Propecia and Regaine. I noticed after 6 months that the Propecia seemed to have halted any further hairloss but I stopped using...