Recent content by helpmyhairplease

  1. H

    Has anybody tried to mess up with minoxidil doses ??

    could work only if you wash your hair 3 times a day
  2. H

    Blood Work Results -- Normal?

    not sure if u can stop as too soon or not. talk to your doctor about it. as far as i know finasteride needs about 2 weeks to really kick into our body cycle.
  3. H

    Saads Story

    keep ur hair length low. otherwise it will go down easily. just my $0.02
  4. H

    Hair Transplant at 23

    800 grafts should fix that. with minoxidil on front only.
  5. H

    Back to the roots: Causes and effects of elevated DHT

    my Doctor says hormonal changes always stop at late 16 years old and all other extra substances wash off. but for some of us our hormones remain haywire for extra or even longer time than others. some of this is activated by hormones simulation which is caused by dozens of reasons, even put blame...
  6. H

    Okay, How Screwed Am I?

    cut it short hit it with big 3 for like a year or two. if you see any results just add 1000 grafts to make it look like before. liquid does really work ways better than foam. i tried liquid first time i got in treatment. would say its so big i wouldn't recommend going full on liquid for...
  7. H

    4 months on treatment, no shedding.

    Hi, I have been on treatment for a while, sure it did regrow hair and made it thicker on top of my scalp, there is still new tiny hairs getting thicker every day. I heard that shedding is a good sign that the treatment is working, but I never shed at all. I will lose couple of hairs when I...
  8. H

    about asian women...

    Not all women are smart enough to see through you. That's what she didn't say.
  9. H

    24 years old and I think it has begun!
  10. H

    Should I add Nizoral Shampoo to my regiment?

    I try to use nizoral whenever my scalp goes itchy.
  11. H

    Success : Very thin hair regrowth in temple how can i thicken it ?

    i remember hearing something about garlic paste increasing the blood flood to applied area. makes sense what minoxidil does
  12. H

    Almost 29 - Hairloss Story

    i totally agree, when i used rogaine for first 2 weeks i didn't start on finasteride right off, i noticed how much less hair i will lose whenever i apply rogaine. just to throw a comment, the 1st pic looks like me when i was 20. last 2 pic looks like me at 23y right before treatment.
  13. H

    Help me plzz

    its good idea go meet your doctor and get some tests done on hormone levels and fertility before jumping on finasteride. from there you will have a baseline that you get to use to measure the side effects.The dose available to most of us is 5mg, we get to break it in quarters. I always try to have it...