Recent content by hairnewb101

  1. H

    Thyroid condition causes hair loss....WHY?

    The question says it. Why? Be specific if possible. All I know that it has to do with your hormones being out of balance.
  2. H

    male pattern baldness- why doesnt it attack ALL the hair?

    Even if they did find the real cause of hair loss, they wouldn't have made their findings public.
  3. H

    Rapid hairloss and thinning hair-Is this male pattern baldness?

    I am not sure if i can help you with telogen effluvium. I am essentially trying to find out why i have excessive hair loss as well. Fact is, only you can know. You know your own medical history better than anyone else here. Perhaps even the doctors. When my hair is wet, you can also see...
  4. H

    Rapid hairloss and thinning hair-Is this male pattern baldness?

    Dude, on the second picture, your hair looks fine. No signs of thinning, or any bald spots. On the first picture, i thought you were going bald. You said, the last two months you were under stress. Perhaps that had something to do with your hair loss. I firmly believe that stress (i mean...
  5. H

    Difference between shredding and thinning?

    Aside from the fact that with shredding your hair will eventually grow back, is there a difference between the two? I see some pictures of posters with thinning hair. One thing stood out was that on those places, their hair is well gone. And they're left with a clean bald spot. But if you're...
  6. H

    So much for seeing a dermatologist

    i don't think you can get more sexual than vaginal intercourse. :)
  7. H

    Rapid hairloss and thinning hair-Is this male pattern baldness?

    hi, on those spots that's thinning, do you see hair that's approximately 2 or 3 centimeters long? It seems like you don't have any hair on those spots. Am i wrong? Also, does your hair fall out on the sides and back as well?
  8. H

    Why hair aren't growing long and thick?

    i also think diet is a problem. But i'm taking 3 1200mg fish oils, 1 1000mg black current oil, and 1 pill of centrum a day. I am taking these to just have a peace of mind. Anyway, they're good for you.
  9. H

    Why hair aren't growing long and thick?

    Yes, i understand that 100 hairs per day is normal. What i don't see is normal is if you're not losing more than 2 a day and than suddenly 30 40 50 a day, there's something wrong. Don't you think?
  10. H

    Why hair aren't growing long and thick?

    I am not worry about having any autoimmune disorders. My family doesn't have a history of this and i have a pretty good idea of my own medical history. I just simply want to know if there is a difference in the way hair falls out between somebody havin a thyroid condition and somebody that's...
  11. H

    Why hair aren't growing long and thick?

    Actually, i am a bit worry. I am going to take a blood test real soon to determine if i have a thyroid condition. I always believed that my hair loss is due to anxiety and depression. And overall, just too much stress because of a traumatic event. That's when i started losing hair. So the...
  12. H

    Why hair aren't growing long and thick?

    Thanks for your replies. Is it normal to lose about i'd say 30 hairs when you wake up? From anywhere, sides, top, and back, when previously you didn't lose any hair? When is it that if you lose hair on top, it shows. But if you lose the same amount of hair at the sides or back, it won't...
  13. H

    Why hair aren't growing long and thick?

    Do you lose hair everyday? If so, how many would you guess?
  14. H

    Why hair aren't growing long and thick?

    When you notice thinning, did you take any meds? Thus preventing you from getting worse or go bald early?
  15. H

    Why hair aren't growing long and thick?

    To be honest, i am not sure. It seemed like in your illustration that eventually their won't be any hair left. Thus going bald. My case is a little different. The spots where i have hair but aren't going longer or thicker stayed pretty much the same for about 3 years. If i were going bald...