Recent content by HairLossMaybe29

  1. H

    29 - Just Wondering - Mature Hairline Or Recession?

    Hey, sorry to post sh*t like this considering I suppose I'm super lucky with my hair (especially when compared to many posters on this forum (I feel for you guys)), but I still want to get a second opinion. I posted some odd 6 months ago on this board and everyone told me my hair is great, I...
  2. H

    29 - Receding Hairline Or Simply Maturing/widow's Peak?

    Are you sure? It kinda seems like it receded a bit in the past few years and then there are a few stray hairs where the hair used to be.
  3. H

    29 - Receding Hairline Or Simply Maturing/widow's Peak?

    Hey. Been observing my hairline recently, even though I still think the middle point of my hairline is where it used to be, the other parts seem to be slowly receding to a M-ish appearance (widow's peak). Top/crown part of my head is still as full as it ever was. As for genetic background, dad...