Recent content by Habitual

  1. H

    Long hair on Propecia?

    Hey, I asked this question in my other post but it never got answered. Can I wear my hair long on Propecia? I have a bit of a big forehead and like to cover it up with long hair, so I'm hoping I won't just shed hairs every few months while on it. My hair's about 5 or 6 inches long currently...
  2. H

    Just got prescribed for propecia but too scared to try it

    Hey, thanks for the replies everyone. I just had one other question: can I wear my hair long on Propecia? I have a bit of a big forehead and like to cover it up with long hair, so I'm hoping I won't just shed hairs every few months while on it, thanks again.
  3. H

    Just got prescribed for propecia but too scared to try it

    Hi all, first time poster. Just a quick little background info on my hair loss: I started noticing an extreme amount of shedding in my shower one day in mid-August of 2004, shortly after I had started college. I had been taking creatine and body building with a trainer for the past 4 months...