Recent content by goingsouth

  1. G

    Suffering from body & Scalp Hair lost

    Your not alone. Buy some great wigs ,mail order is great . When people tell me my hair style is pretty , I just say" thank-you ". After all, it's my hair ,I paid for it!
  2. G

    HairDiva's Story - (Going from luxurious locks to wig diva)

    I'm glad to have found this site . I too order wigs from catalogs . I don't feel comfortable shopping for them in public shops. I am not a lady of color, but bought a great wig that is for a lady of color . It's 2 toned colors are up-to-date. DRUCY
  3. G

    it's been a long time

    my hair loss started in 1972 , I was 20 years old . One year later it was total head and body. Now I have very thin , short and patchy hair. I wear wigs all the time , except in my home . First 5 years I saw many Doctors that was no help,so I waited 7 years and tried more Doctors . All I learned...