Recent content by garra

  1. G

    Does TEST or DHT promote weight loss?

    Well that is true to a certain extent, but remember that one's body fat percentage is a reflection of the estrogen levels in your body. High BF% = high estrogen levels. DHT is an estrogen antagonist, meaning it counteracts the affects of estrogen, that why DHT in itself can also play a...
  2. G

    Question about raising testosterone?

    Re: Well, when using a test-based compound (and when i mean test based, i mean administering an AAS(steroid compound) into your body) you will ultimately be elevating both DHT and estrogen levels as these are the compounds that testesterone breaks down into via the process of aromatization. To...
  3. G

    Question about raising testosterone?

    Well firstly, tribestan is not going to do squat for increasing test levels. unless u are synthetically injecting testesterone based compounds (i.e. test Propecia, test E or test cyp) into your system, over the counter products like tribestan is definately not going going to raise existing test...
  4. G

    propecia or generic??

    I agree, buying online always runs the risk of purchasing fake products which may even be harmful when used... To get back to you with regards to the propecia options, the active compound which counteracts male pattern baldness in prone individuals is finasteride. So any generic finasteride products eg. Proscar...
  5. G

    Garra's Story - (23/ from South Africa)

    Hey everyone Im Garra from Sunny South Africa... Was 20 years old when i started losing my hair and it nearly killed me. Being a former model, the thought of me losing my hair drove into a state of manic depression for nearly six months. My mom gave me a full year's treatmnet at advanced hair...