Recent content by Fuzz

  1. Fuzz

    Propecia and minoxidil work on the front and top???

    Due to the way they handled their FDA approval. It is a legal disclaimer. In reality they work on the top and front as well (but was not directly tested in the Rogaine trials). It does appear through other testimonials, and the way the FDA trials were done, that the vortex is affected most...
  2. Fuzz

    Just need some advice...

    At your age and progression, treatments have a better chance to work. When I first started (at 23), I used 5% minoxidil only. Within 9 months, I was absolutely satisified. It had thickened my diffuese thinning well. My recommendation would be to use Nizoral shampoo, if you do not already...
  3. Fuzz

    Rite Aid minoxidil and Folligen Spray makes Fluorescent Green!

    Okay, so I am back on minoxidil after a 11-month break. I decided to try the Rite Aid brand via An hour after application, I sprayed some Folligen. Damn did this combo turn a glowing, fluorescent, lime green! I never seen this before. Has anyone ever experienced this or used this...
  4. Fuzz


    It is tough to compare. I use Folligen every other day, currently. I use it for it has the highest amount of "peptide chains," and is supposedly better (per the creator of both Tricomin and Folligen.) He may be saying this for he had a split with Procyte though. I have used Tricomin...
  5. Fuzz

    Best cuts for baldies

    I rotate Nizoral, T-Sal, T-Gel, and Tea Tree Oil shampoo. Besides some of these being anti-microbial/fungal and possibly anti-DHT, they have anti-inflammation qualities. If you are suffering from male pattern baldness, you have inflammation (whether you can see it or not). I believe has studies showing...
  6. Fuzz

    whats the best?

    Ano organ rejection drug like cyclosporin with castration. Unfortunately, you'll probably die, without your boys, from taking cyclosporin for hair loss.
  7. Fuzz

    Kortisol and hairloss.

    Cortisol is a "stress" hormone. It is a more technical word for saying, "Stress will worsen or cause hair loss." Elevated/chronic cortisol levels in the body will cause inflammation and overall aging. I also read elevated cortisol cause imbalances of other hormones including androgen...
  8. Fuzz


    When actually viewed microscopically, male pattern baldness looks like organ rejection. It has been proposed (by the likes of Dr. Proctor and others) the primary damage in male pattern baldness is "immunologically-mediated" (meaning your body turns on your 'programmed' hair follicles). DHT would not be our enemy if we could...
  9. Fuzz

    Is Stephen Dorff balding?

    Damn,, you are quick. Yeah, I am just bitchin'! What up?
  10. Fuzz

    Is Stephen Dorff balding?

    The only point I concern myself is these stars (and their money) do not seem to battle their hairloss. Yes some get transplants, but others do not. It is just another indication at the length of time it will be for a better alternative(s). We all talk about new medical news hitting...
  11. Fuzz

    Question about green tea?

    It seems 10-20 cups is more sarcasm than reality. If Healthy Nick sucks down this much green tea, that truly is dedication. Anyway, one of the complexities of this smooth brew is its caffeine is all together countered by its theanine content. I actually prefer the flavor of green tea and...
  12. Fuzz

    Question about green tea?

    Moreover, green tea can affect male hormones. Green tea has an affect on Type I 5 AR. At one time, Bryan was into a topical solution. I've been gone for quite awhile, so I do not know what came of it.
  13. Fuzz


    It is the same ol' story though. Perhaps springtime messes w/ people's inflammation due to allergies. So for those balding, this obviously sucks even more. Maybe our heads will be even more green, to combat such a season. As for a fundamental casue of balding, I do not think this is the...
  14. Fuzz

    eating soy

    Yeah, playing with hormonal balances is plan hard. I know the latest in regards to soy and male pattern baldness talks about it preventing the functioning of DHT rather than by blocking its formation.
  15. Fuzz

    To all T-gel users!

    Salicylic acid, like in TSal, is also an antiseptic and disinfectant. It is basically the liquid version of aspirin and helps to reduce inflammation. I know Dr. Lee's Regrowth Treatment Shampoo contains 2% ketoconazole and 3% salicylic acid, attempting to prevent the synthesis of DHT in the...