Recent content by FTWP

  1. F

    do i have gynecomastia? please help

    To all who maybe wondering where im at: after giving it a week to see if the problem persisted i have decided to quit propecia. i kept on feeling slight pains in both breasts. they looked a little bigger so i gave it up thinking if i didnt stop it might get worse. since i have stopped, all the...
  2. F

    when will my hair loss slow or stop on propecia?

    i was wondering when i can expect to see my hair loss slow or stop. ive been on propecia for nearly 2 months now. the first month i took only 1/4 mg. the second month and still going im on .5 mg. i was real scared of side effects and thats why i started w/ a low dosage. but for all of you who...
  3. F

    do i have gynecomastia? please help

    thanks dude. ill try my best to not think about it too much. hows it going with you being on finasteride 6 months. did your hair loss stop or slow down. if so at what point did that happen? ...hey fml. your chest size looks perfectly normal. and doesnt the ENTIRE nipple gets puffed in gynecomastia...
  4. F

    do i have gynecomastia? please help

    thanks a lot for your advice and support. i feel a little better now, haha. Man, hair loss sucks. its completely taken over my life, i want SO much want to keep my hair. but theres a lot of good people on this site. i hope your right. i mean its true i have been poking at them constantly since...
  5. F

    do i have gynecomastia? please help

    ive been on propecia for almost 2 months. i was real scared of any side effects before i started. it took me wll over a year to finally work up my courage and take the first pill. the first month i took .25 mg. the start of the second month i went to .5 anxious to get some results quicker...
  6. F

    Peapoddy's Story - (25 : Just Starting Finasteride)

    hey I think you bought the wrong sized shirt...haha. i hate that im skinny. the one part of my body thats most embarrassing is my shoulders. or the trapezius muscle between the neck and collar bone. i would love to really bulk up there. any advice on exerscise routines? thanks man!
  7. F

    Peapoddy's Story - (25 : Just Starting Finasteride)

    hey peopoddy. obviously there is a great improvement in your hair judging from the pics. But when you took the first pic, or the very first few pics you posted before you went on propecia, you were on rogain for a month and a half. rogaine makes you shed like crazy for the first month or so. so...
  8. F

    Peapoddy's Story - (25 : Just Starting Finasteride)

    hair still looks good. you should use some gel and it'll look even better.
  9. F

    Peapoddy's Story - (25 : Just Starting Finasteride)

    Peapoddy how about some updated pics? And hows it going with the side effects from the propecia? You still havent had any at all? Do you think your sex drive is still as high as it was before you started using the stuff?
  10. F

    Peapoddy's Story - (25 : Just Starting Finasteride)

    Peopoddy, why are you trying this CB-03-01 stuff when you have all your hair back from your current regimen? Why take the risk of testing this stuff out? You don't need it right now.
  11. F

    Peapoddy's Story - (25 : Just Starting Finasteride)

    hey peapoddyyou never answered my question, haha. sorry but im real curious. how long did it take you after you started on propecia before you noticed that you werent losing anymore hair in the shower? and also, if i do try propecia, what do you think of me first trying .5 mg per day instead...
  12. F

    amount of propecia per day?

    I am really considering taking propecia. The side effects worry me but I have to do something. i know the recommend amount to take is 1.25mg per day. But shouldn't that vary depending on someones weight? The more you weigh the more you should take, the less you weigh.... I was wondering if...
  13. F

    Peapoddy's Story - (25 : Just Starting Finasteride)

    hey unbelievable results. i have a question peapoddy. this question probably has been asked before but i don't want to look through 35 pages of posts, you know? do you remember when you first started taking the propecia. How long did it take for you to really notice that your hair stopped...
  14. F

    Being bald and happy at the same time. Is this possible?

    ...I'm sure you regret taking it but how much did it help your hair? some people say that when you start taking it your hair gets very thin and falls out all over. how'd it go w/ you?
  15. F

    Being bald and happy at the same time. Is this possible?

    sorry about the side effects. I really hope it gets better for you...people on this forums say that the only way to have anychance in keeping your hair is to get on finasteride. tell me, is it worth the risk taking this drug knowing that the side effects could be permanent? when you got off the drug did...