Recent content by frowe

  1. F

    Anyone ? or is it :lol: that nobody trust the generic label
  2. F

    Does generic propecia work as well as the official propecia ? ... 32_95.html
  3. F

    Propecia 1 mg 5 mg

    Whats the difference between propecia 1mg and 5mg ? i haven't yet started my regiment i have started using monxidil for a couple of days which dose of propecia works faster ? :!:
  4. F

    Rogaine Foam

    Does this stuff actually work does it need to be applied daily ? how fast can you see results are there any other products i should mix for thicker hair ? :cry:
  5. F

    What is the Big 3

    how long will it be before i see visible results what do you think of the products advertised on this site ? :freaked:
  6. F

    What is the Big 3

    Ive had the medical surgery procedure i want my hair thicker i'm currently thinking around the center scalpe and crown any advice is appreciated Thanks
  7. F

    Need Help

    Ive had the MHR surgey done my hair is still thinning after the surgery i'm not sure what products to use to grow my hair anyone have any suggestions i will also mail or post pics for additional advice Thanks :cry: