Recent content by frosty99

  1. F

    Can u fellas help me , not sure whether I’m balding or paranoid

    My crown used to look like that, but I ignored it everyone was saying there was no thinning it’s a normal cowlick.. I’m regretting it now
  2. F

    What are your thoughts any advice appreciated

    So I have brought up my hair issues with a few doctors who are professors and they say it’s probably stress related. The thinning is all over but I’m incredibly worried if it’s not stress related and just male pattern baldness. I have been very stressed for 1 year now due to many injuries but it’s been rapidly...
  3. F

    Finasteride/Dutasteride not working for you?

    My GP seems to think it’s medication that’s causing it. It’s so rapid as well every time I run hand through hair there’s multiple hairs in my hand. I also had a pretty traumatic injury to my lungs 11 months ago which was quite stressful, not sure if there’s correlation or not. I don’t really...
  4. F

    Finasteride/Dutasteride not working for you?

    I feel like I can relate to this so much. I was on dutasteride for 3 months because I noticed slight hairline recession, but I stopped due to pretty bad sides. It's literally been 5 - 6 months and I notice hairs everywhere now..desk, pillow, bathroom, clothing. I never had that problem prior to...
  5. F

    I would appreciate any feedback/advice

    Thanks for all your help so far I appreciate it. I’m waiting on my prescription but it seems to be getting worse very very quickly. Could this be something more than male pattern baldness like Telogen? My doctor seems to think it’s medication that’s causing it, since male pattern baldness should not happen in this quickly (3-5...
  6. F

    I would appreciate any feedback/advice

    Start with 1mg or half the pill?
  7. F

    I would appreciate any feedback/advice

    I do have some minor recession but not too bad. Got some minoxidil 5% but haven’t used yet I’m worried of a massive shed with it. Yeah I’ve already been looking at a transplant so best transplant surgeon worldwide suggestions are welcome but I need to stabilise first. I’m stressing out big time...
  8. F

    I would appreciate any feedback/advice

    Exactly.. so I’m thinking I may give finasteride a go, hopefully I don’t get the crazy side effects I did on dutasteride.
  9. F

    I would appreciate any feedback/advice

    Yeah I did, I thought to myself why not try block the most DHT possible.. silly I know
  10. F

    I would appreciate any feedback/advice

    Hello, So in recent months I’ve started to notice abnormal hair fall from the root, when I use Nizoral I find 30+ hairs in my hands. I will preface that I did use Dutasteride 0.5mg daily for around 3 months but have been off for around 3 months too, I had to quit as I was getting severe cystic...