Recent content by free05ct

  1. F

    Nizoral - difficulty breathing?

    thanks man, ya im gonna give it like a week or 2 and then see if it persists, if it does ill drop nizoral for a little bit and then maybe try again to see if it really caused it
  2. F

    Nizoral - difficulty breathing?

    k this response is for boondock, ok im sorry i believe u are right, so maybe im overreacting and maybe i just injuryed my diaphram or sumthing exercsing
  3. F

    Nizoral - difficulty breathing?

    k this response is to mew i really do apprieciate wut u said, i just dont want to drop them because i hear the top 3 meds include propecia and nizoral, so dont want to drop them if these sides will go away or if they are not sides at all
  4. F

    Nizoral - difficulty breathing?

    but i have been on propecia for 3 months no side effects, then the night i begin nizoral i have breathing isssues
  5. F

    Nizoral - difficulty breathing?

    thank you for ur advice, so u dont take propecia anymore?
  6. F

    Nizoral - difficulty breathing?

    i think u dont understand... haha i am in very good shape (on the crew team practice everyday), it seems like im out of breath when im watching tv or not being active i dont think thats normal and once again " i checked under sides effets; "A very serious allergic reaction to Nizoral...
  7. F

    Nizoral - difficulty breathing?

    i checked under sides effets; "A very serious allergic reaction to Nizoral (ketoconazole) 2% is unlikely, but seek immediate medical attention if it occurs. Symptoms of a serious allergic reaction may include: rash, itching/swelling (especially of the face/tongue/throat), severe dizziness...
  8. F

    Nizoral - difficulty breathing?

    so i started nizoral (1%) 2 days ago and noticed ive been having difficulty breathing as if i took a short jog, im not gasping for air or anything, but was wonderng if it is anything serious i like nizoral so far, makes hair look good, and part of big 3, do i need to stop using it or will it go...
  9. F

    freaking out, heart beat increased?

    ok so im freaking out and it might be nothing, been on propecia 3 months, but today my heart has been pumping more than usual a little after taking the pill, (been like this an hour or 2 now) inbetween a normal heartrate and one exercising. Also read increased heart rate for long period of time...
  10. F

    can propecia treat diffused thinning?

    thanks for responses was thinking of useing nizoral too
  11. F

    Free05ct's Story

    thank you number9 for the response, my hair itches but not sure if im sheding i have never been able to visably see hair fall out sum times i see like 1 cm pieces of hair when i brush my hair
  12. F

    can propecia treat diffused thinning?

    well i did research and found out i have diffused thinning, the generic one where one is thinning and losing hair at he front of head and crown at the same time, but side and back hair is fine. I guess is called Diffused Baldness Pattern. It says propecia treats Male Baldness Pattern, am i...
  13. F

    Free05ct's Story

    hello everyone so this is my first time on the forums (long post to sum up my story, i am 19 years old and believe i have the male baldness. It is thining in the front and crown area. I have not lost any of my hairline so i believe i caught it early. I am a shy guy but, this may sound like i...