Recent content by F-M-DHT

  1. F


    @ finfighter - yes it's exactly the same as what you posted! It's quite exciting when you look at the experts that they have on board, however I do think that what they are doing is aiming very high! their initial product if it gets to that stage (and fingers crossed it will) will probably...
  2. F

    ACELL Looks promising!!! What do u guys think of this?

    andrei_eremenko - I agree with you there, I think they aren't really on to anything, just a few hair transplant surgeons trying to get a bit of easy publicity, hope i'm proved wrong though! Some clinics are selling prp mixed with Acell.. no proof that it will work but they're getting money off...
  3. F

    The Koreans are now at it!

    copy and paste the whole thing (including the "00272-0/abstract" part). .. hasn't seemed to include the whole link. oh yeah found another thing where them lucky mice have had a more interesting treatment... from intercytex before they went bust, they only used a basic implantation method, but...
  4. F

    Updates on German research

    any Idea how much funding they need to kickstart things?
  5. F

    some interesting articles found on pubmed.

    Techniques to implant hair follicle cells - (interesting how it states that it has previously been unsuccesful in humans whilst companies have claimed that it does work). Cotsarelis still working on scarring techniques? -...
  6. F

    The Koreans are now at it! Not sure if this has been posted up on here yet. sorry if it has. Basically works with the same principles as aderans, how ever they are using different types of stem cells here to grow DP cells. Worth reading as they might be...
  7. F

    state of stem cell studies Thats the website I was on about, but beware of the subtle advertisements on the site, there's other bits of research on there too that isn't stem cells.
  8. F

    New FDA Clinical Trial Autologous Hair Follicle Cells

    I can't Imagine that they'll be counting each cell they put into your scalp lol... more likely a price related to the treatment area size. Thanks for the post however. There's been a lot of talk about this company (trichoscience aka replicel), they have a complete website coming out in the 2nd...
  9. F

    state of stem cell studies

    There's always somebody who comes up with a story every so often about a little break through, however when bush got into power he slapped a lot of laws on the use of stem cells (embyonic in particular). And most stem cell research lies under cancer treatments and other life threatening...
  10. F

    Anybody able to translate German?

    Thanks for that 2nd article Dudemon, It would be extremely exciting if someone like l'oreal would get involved (who I know have stem cell research themselves) because it's the kind on company who would benifit financially from say 10,000,000 more people having hair and have the financial power...
  11. F

    Anybody able to translate German? ... &mode=play Probably worth me saying that this is a link to a video of the people in Berlin who have claimed to have cloned a human hair follicle.
  12. F

    Castration increases and androgens decrease nitric oxide syn

    I read about L-Arginine before, i'm not to clever on it either, just checked it out on wiki: The benefits and functions attributed to oral supplementation of L-arginine include: Precursor for the synthesis of nitric oxide (NO)[11] Reduces healing time of injuries (particularly bone)[7][8]...
  13. F

    Fairly new study from Rockefeller university.

    I haven't seen this posted yet on this website, I apologise if it is however. Interesting research on the stem cell cycle involved in the hair growth cycle, some nice simple background info.
  14. F

    A compound that induces hair growth/blocks stress hormone!

    Telogen Effluvium is said to be triggered by severe stress. Cortisol is released by the adrenal gland in response to stress. I still can't see this idea being even a treatment for male pattern baldness, Telogen Effluvium possibly. Remember these are mice not humans and the stress is artificially induced...
  15. F

    new here, opposite problem

    See a doctor and discuss with them, get laser (lazer in the US ?) work done on it! that will get rid of it long term (shame lasers cant actually do the opposite and grow hair).