Recent content by dozzum

  1. D

    High Strength Minoxidil Uk Sources?

    Yeh Ive just realised that minoxidilmax ship to the uk. I had been looking for uk only sites originally. I've only just started on the finasteride tablets 3 weeks ago and 5% minoxidil a month ago so I'll probably go with the non finasteride stuff for now. I have a rapidly receding hairline and...
  2. D

    High Strength Minoxidil Uk Sources?

    Any idea what the belgravia centre charge for their minoxidil? Am I right in not using the stuff with finsteride in aswell as taking the finasteride tablets? This is the stuff I found...
  3. D

    High Strength Minoxidil Uk Sources?

    Can anybody recommend somewhere I can buy 10-15% minoxidil from in the UK? The only one I have found so far also contains finasteride and as I am taking 1mg finasteride tablets I assume its not a good idea to use this aswell. Cheers
  4. D

    Where Am I Supposed To Apply Minoxidil.

    Ye I am also going to be starting finasteride as well. I have pretty short hair anyway and was considering getting a grade 5 on top to help reduce the issues with hair looking greasy so that's why I thought about applying it all over. Also thought if I'm going to get shedding it might as well...
  5. D

    Where Am I Supposed To Apply Minoxidil.

    I am going to be starting 5% minoxidil liquid soon, wanted to use foam but cannot get it where I am at the moment. The instructions say to use 1ml on the affected areas. Now I have a very obvious receding hairline and obviously thinning crown and my hair on top of my head in general is much...
  6. D

    General Health & Hair Care Tips For Beginners.

    After ignoring and denying my hairloss situation for several years I have finally decided to take some action to try and halt it and hopefully reverse it to some extent. I have been doing lots of reading over the last few days and will soon be starting on finasteride, Regaine, Miconazole...