Recent content by dontwanttoloseit

  1. D

    Transplant Surgeon's own Experience with a Transplant

    wow thats not a bad price to pay for freaking hair. But hey good luck with retaining all the hair. Do keep us posted on your progress
  2. D

    Transplant Surgeon's own Experience with a Transplant

    Hey Bruce, How much did the transplant cost you? How many hairs did you get transplanted and what is the success rate of this procedure? Thanks in advance
  3. D


    PLEEASEEEEE SUGGEESST HI guys, :mrgreen: a little history about me. i have decent amount of hair on my scalp but it is thinning fast. started applying rogain in february twice a day. Saw good results in 4 months. thought that i could reduce the application to once a day. Since june i...
  4. D


    side effects of proscar HI guys, a little history about me. i have decent amount of hair on my scalp but it is thinning. started applying rogain in february twice a day. Saw good results in 4 months. thought that i could reduce the application to once a day. Since june i reduced application...