Recent content by donkifocker

  1. D

    minoxidil dependant hairs being shed or male pattern baldness speeding up?

    I've heard this before, but when does this post-minoxidil shed occur?
  2. D

    Massive shedding due to crusty, hardened, scalp sebum

    After shampooing nearly every single day for couple of years with Nizoral, it caused my scalp dry out. So I started to only shampoo twice a week, and that seems to have backfired as my sebum built up over time to become a solid crusty white layer. Would sebum that gets hardened over time...
  3. D

    minoxidil dependant hairs being shed or male pattern baldness speeding up?

    Hi. I have quit minoxidil foam after using it for 5 months, with no noteworthy improvement. I have been off of it for almost 4 months now, and going through a huge shed. FWIW, I have been on Fluridil for the past 30 days though. Are the hair that were dependant on minoxidil shedding as a result of...
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    My Top 5 Reservations about Fluridil

    Yes, didn't you mention that Fluridil helped while you were recovering after getting off of finasteride. But after several months or so, the shedding was back to where it was. I've been on Fluridil for almost 4 weeks now, but no discernible results so far.
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    My Top 5 Reservations about Fluridil

    I also have this concern. I definitely want to add Tricomin, spironolactone and minoxidil into my regimen. How are people going about using Fluridil in combination with other topicals?
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    Tried Propecia, Rogaine Foam, Tricomin, Prox, Nizoral, Topical Spironolactone

    Re: Tried them all! finasteride, foam, Tricomin, prox, nizoral, spironolactone Interesting. When was finasteride dropped? Was it Fall '09 or early'10? I am asking this because it is possible that you haven't been off finasteride long enough to experience the massive shed that is yet to come. You also mentioned that spironolactone /...
  7. D

    Fluridil - reduced shedding on half dosage, and general app.

    I've been on Fluridil for 3 days now and I started with 2 ampules a day. I think it would be better off using 2 ampules per day, unless you just started balding/thinning recently. Especially if you are losing hair all over in a diffuse pattern.
  8. D

    Is my scalp damaged, how to heal it.

    I don't know what has happened but the state of my scalp has deteriorated during the past 3 months. Whenever I apply Tricomin spray or minoxidil foam, the solution seems to stay on my scalp and becomes like a shiny layer. It dries but seem there are noticable traces of where the solution was...
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    Difference in minoxidil strengths & extent of its shedding

    I am strongly considering getting on minoxidil. I know there are different strength minoxidil such as 2% and 5%. Would the 2% cause less initial shed as opposed to the higher strength versions? I would think that the lower the number, the less shedding and therefore regrowing. I am so afraid of the...
  10. D

    How should I treat my itchy, burning, painful scalp?

    Care to explain this? So male pattern baldness is due to hormonal imbalance, moreso than genetics?
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    How should I treat my itchy, burning, painful scalp?

    I have been using regular 1% Nizoral for about 4 months now and have begun using 2% just recently. I also just started with spironolactone 5% cream a few days ago. The anti-fungal hurt like a b**ch the first several applications due to the rawness of my scalp. It almost felt like acid was poured on my...
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    How should I treat my itchy, burning, painful scalp?

    Thanks for the tip. I do know that inflammation is part of male pattern baldness. But from what I read, there are some people that bald never get any itch or pain. Is it possible that those whose male pattern baldness is progressing at a faster rate, are inclined to experience more inflammation? From what I can observe, the...
  13. D

    How should I treat my itchy, burning, painful scalp?

    Hi, fellow male pattern baldness sufferers. For the past 6 months I have been enduring a painful, itchy, burning scalp that has been shedding in a diffuse pattern at a rapid pace. In the beginning it was only oily and itchy. Now just the act of touching the itchy areas with my fingers, gives me this feeling...
  14. D

    Desperate for advice on deteriorating scalp and hair

    I know that I need to get on finasteride in order to combat my thinning / miniturizing caused by DHT. What about my current scalp and acne condition? That is surely can't be related to DHT. The pores/glands on my face are enlarged to the point that I can see them from afar. Unlike most people that...
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    Desperate for advice on deteriorating scalp and hair

    Hi I am a 32 years old male. This is a desperate plea for some advice or feedback on my current situation. The past 6 months I have been experiencing : -synchronized rapid diffuse shedding on top (very much like telogen effluvium!) -excessive sebum buildup on face / scalp (thick gooey...