Recent content by docsspain

  1. D

    Irishpride86's Story - (22 / Propecia 7 month update PICS!)

    Re: Irishpride86's Story - (22 / Propecia 4 mounth update PICS!) Yes it is true, my english has deceived me again. I have never seen such a big shedding only with propecia, but what I think is that you would have to wait. It is said that we would have to wait almost 9 months or more to see...
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    Docsspain's Story - (24/ A question from Spain)

    I am losing it around all over my head, but I think thank taking PROSCAR 1/4 will be enough. I have started with minoxidil at temples because I have read that proscar is ok for all the head but it does not work very well at temples. Is this true? I do not want to start with minoxidil all over...
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    Irishpride86's Story - (22 / Propecia 7 month update PICS!)

    Re: Irishpride86's Story - (22 / Propecia 4 mounth update PICS!) Excellent results!!! Now, I am four months with Proscar 1/4 and my hair is the same as when I started. I supose my hair needs more time than yours.
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    Docsspain's Story - (24/ A question from Spain)

    Hi, I am a Spanish boy of 24 years and as you imagine I am getting bald. Now I am four months with PROSCAR 1.25 mg / day and I have just started with minoxidil only over my temples. At the moment I am applying 1ml/day and the question is if this cuantity is enought or I would have to increase...