Recent content by DKnighten

  1. D

    Finasteride Damages Your Brain Over Time

    Guys could you explain to me what Finasteride does to neurosteroids and why, when stopping the drug, the brain doesn't just replenish the supply of hormones, such as allopreg, etc.? I took ONE 1mg Finasteride pill approximately 1 month ago. I had severe brain fog the first two weeks, and then it...
  2. D

    Brain Fog, Coginitive Issues From One 1mg Finasteride

    Then why did I have the onset of these symptoms shortly after taking the Finasteride? I have had run-ins with anxiety and OCD before but they have never been problematic. This is debilitating. And are you just ignoring the research which suggests finasteride has the potential to cross the blood-brain...
  3. D

    Brain Fog, Coginitive Issues From One 1mg Finasteride

    I only took one 1mg pill and I haven't taken another. This was last Wednesday, October 24th. It's been about 9-10 days since I took the pill and I am still having extreme brain fog, like a derealization feeling that does not go away. I am walking around constantly in a daze and it takes...
  4. D

    Brain Fog, Coginitive Issues From One 1mg Finasteride

    Yes, I find it usually takes all of my effort to concentrate on the one thing I'm doing at the time. Everything in peripherals is like it is just too much to handle. I stumble over my words frequently, and it is hard to gather my thoughts. I have noticed that it is very easy to get anxious...
  5. D

    Brain Fog, Coginitive Issues From One 1mg Finasteride

    Hello all, My name is Damon and I am a 24 year-old male. I have been stressed out about a receding hairline for about 8-10 months now. I started using the Minoxodil foam about 1-2 times daily on my hairline with no adverse reactions. I looked into Finasteride or Propecia for quite some time...