Recent content by ding30

  1. D

    5mg finasteride - Once a week - new research to be released?

    I remember some ppl posting information on fins life in the system. If it could have the same effect but essentially not be in the bodies system then I can only see positives... ..however 5mg seems a lot to take at once!
  2. D

    5mg finasteride - Once a week - new research to be released?

    Hi all, My pharmacist recently informed me that a local Melbourne professor has researched a 1x 5mg dosage of finasteride once a week and the results are to be released shortly which are positive. Does anyone have information on this? Cheers.
  3. D

    Want to try finasteride, but too scared from all the horror stories!

    Keep posting mate. I am back on the finasteride myself. Taking 0.5 - 1mg daily. Looking to give it 6-12 months with minoxidil and nizoral.
  4. D

    4 months rogaine/nizoral

    Wow, great results Norman!!! You must be so stoked. I read your 1st post from '09 previously but didn't see the others. You have had MAJOR growth. Makes me think about getting back on the finasteride. Thank you for sharing your story. BlackLabel - Please keep us updated with your story. Cheers
  5. D

    Stopped Minoxidil after 3 years and want to die! Help me...

    Same boat here. minoxidil 7% once a day for 5 years with great results. Skipped a few days here and there when I was getting low started shedding then switched to a 5% solution, shed more and more. Seems as though the shedding has calmed down but lost ALOT of hair in the process. Upped dosage to...
  6. D

    How effective is minoxidil alone?

    This is an interesting topic. I used minoxidil alone for 5 years (once a day) with great results (after taking finasteride + minoxidil for 2 years) However now starting to see a lot of thinning. Is the minoxidil not working anymore? as I've upped it to 2x a day now. Also starting using Nizoral.
  7. D

    4 months rogaine/nizoral

    Norman, Have you continued to take the 0.5mg of finasteride? Got good results from that dosage? Will you continue to do so or will you step up to 1mg? Cheers.
  8. D

    Want to try finasteride, but too scared from all the horror stories!

    I was going to suggest you take 0.5mg for a week then step up to 1mg. I am looking to take this approach. Getting dizzy over 0.25mg? I think thats all in your head dude!! Build up to 0.5 and see how you go. I didn't notice any sides whilst on finasteride except for anxiety, however, it may have not...
  9. D

    when will my hair loss slow or stop on propecia?

    Coffeemug - very interesting points you have made. Be interested to hear what pans out for you. Maybe the 0.25mg is a little to low of a dosage? Maybe up it to 0.5mg?
  10. D is down??

    Thanks Wuffer. Guess I'm still debating whether or not to get back on to the finasteride after a 5year hiatus. Cheers.
  11. D

    Want to try finasteride, but too scared from all the horror stories!

    Like i've said i have had really really good success with minoxidil the past 5 years (i did take finasteride for 2 years prior). Although now its starting to plateau. You may want to try minoxidil first mate. Easy to order Regain online. Just apply it once a day.
  12. D is down??

    Thanks for the reply. If they have a ton of lawsuits why are good doctors still prescribing it?
  13. D

    Want to try finasteride, but too scared from all the horror stories!

    Can you point me towards this topical finasteride? Don't worry, I in fact have 2 boxes of finasteride (1x proscar and 1x procepia) - in case things get drastic LOL
  14. D is down??

    Answered already? You stated that you 'bet' the site was taken down was due to potential lawsuits. Forgive me if I'm wrong but you having a guess is not a concrete answer. It would be interesting to know how long the site has actually been down for and considering ethical doctors are still...
  15. D

    Want to try finasteride, but too scared from all the horror stories!

    Mate, have you tried minoxidil topically? You might get a good 5 years out of it. I know it doesn't block DHT but you could maintain. Hopefully by then there will be topical versions of finasteride readily available.