Recent content by derarbeiter

  1. D

    Unreliable Pharmacy?

    sorry to give you the impression that i do a promotion job or something like that. in europe we do not have that many sources working the way they should. most of them are just expensive and unreliable. @ajax: i´ve ordered for years from the uk and the result was that customs seized...
  2. D

    finasteride and acne

    thanks for that xplaination. i´ve already talked to a dermatology Doctor last week and he told me that some patiens are using that "crazy" mix to eliminate the acne. i´ve found some articles about that in a swiss forum, but what i´m looking for is real experience with that mix. i know...
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    Unreliable Pharmacy?

    nice joke... no, i do not work for them, but i find and found them very reliable. when i saw someone starting a thread with "unreliable"...i could not resist... as i said before: IT IS MY PERSONAL OPINION!!! i was reading this forum for a couple of months and i still can not undestand...
  4. D

    finasteride and acne

    who has experience with the anti-acne mix (diane35+androcur50mg) together with a daily dose of finasteride (1,25mg)??
  5. D

    Unreliable Pharmacy?

    thousands of european clients are ordering their original products from because they are the cheapest source for original meds in the web. they have started overseas business mid of july 2007
  6. D

    proscar for $40???

    it will cost you much less (something like 27usd/28pills) at and is ORIGINAL
  7. D

    What do u think of dutasteride discount ?

    hey...check they are three times cheaper and your meds are coming from a real pharmacy :-)
  8. D

    has anyone seen dutasteride this cheap before?

    cheaper and original if you check you´ll see that they are cheaper and they only carry the original meds
  9. D

    Uk based ! where to get finasteride etc

    cheap and reliable i get my finasteride from i have never seen it cheaper and it comes directly from a pharmacy