Recent content by darren mcalister

  1. D

    Can anyone enlighten me on The big three?

    Been trawling the web and have a few questions: I presume minoxidil and finasteride are included in the big 3 but whats the third?? or is that left to interpretation! Also, is proscar the same as propecia? (are they both Finasteride based) and what is Nizoral?? Finally can anyone comment on a...
  2. D

    Minoxidil great for over 10 yrs but seeking alternative

    Hey Dude, no pictures i'm afraid. But to give you a better idea back in 1995 i was a Bruce willis lookalike 1996 - 2005 - Samuel L Jackson, eat your heart out! :lol:
  3. D

    Minoxidil great for over 10 yrs but seeking alternative

    I was very thin on top from the crown, front and sides of my head. My scalp was very visible. From first use it took three full months to see growth which in my case was allover. Within six months you'd swear i'd never suffered any kind of male pattern baldness. Basically it gave me thick hair allover with no...
  4. D

    Minoxidil great for over 10 yrs but seeking alternative

    Greetings Been an enthusiastic user of minoxidil 2% for over 10 years with stunning results. Went from almost bald when i was 28yrs old to full head of hair and never looked back. Decided to stop for a while last year to see what would happen and wholly s*it, i was back at the chemist within...