Recent content by Dan15

  1. D

    Propecia / finasteride in the UK

    Just had a look at the Boots website: ... entId=4825 I agree they aren't doing anything special or particularly cheap. But it looks a hell of a lot easier than fighting with your GP for a prescription. And cheaper than consultations at specialist...
  2. D

    Propecia / finasteride in the UK

    Thanks for the info guys! UK78 I'm 31. I guess it is pot luck with the GP - my hunch is that most of them would react it a negative way but it's nice to hear some can be helpful. I suppose I'm looking for somewhere I can go where I know they'll be friendly and understanding. I didn't...
  3. D

    Propecia / finasteride in the UK

    I've pretty much decided that I want to start using Propecia or an equivalent. I'm starting to thin on top so I want to see if can at least hold on to what I've got! So, how do I get hold of some in the UK? I'm half tempted to buy some online from one of the sites mentioned on this forum...