Recent content by D4rpyDerps

  1. D

    Do You See A Bald Head In My Future?

    My hair is thinning nearly all over my head. Im not sure if its male pattern baldness or if its being caused by something else. As my head is very itchy at times and now and then red marks appear on my hairlone
  2. D

    Am I Balding Or Simply Maturing? [2]

    I didnt quite get a complete answer last time since i didnt have any good pics or how to upload them so here is a better pic.
  3. D

    A Lot Of Shedding For A Year But No Signs Of Balding

    The average person shreds about 100 hairs a day so no problem. But another thing to note is you can lose 50% of your hair before noticing it.
  4. D

    Want Transplant But Derm Said Don’t, Thoughts?

    Looks lilr a widows peak. Not really a big deal do whatever makes you happy.
  5. D

    I Think I Know The Answer But Am I Balding?

    It looks like you have recession on your temples so yeah probably. Your man bun might not be doing you any favors with hair loss.
  6. D

    Am I Balding Or Simply Maturing? Im 17

    Deffinitly shedding I find hair everyehere. On my phone, in the sink, on my cloths, my pillow and on my hands. It appears to have slowed down now
  7. D

    Thinning In Odd Areas On My Head (near Sideburns And Where The Hair Splits)

    The hair on the right temple loke right on the side of my head where the sideburns are. Appears to be thinning and feels like it to. My entire head itches and im getting small red marks here and there. Is this common in male pattern or is this something else?
  8. D

    Am I Balding Or Simply Maturing? Im 17

    I figured out how to get a image.
  9. D

    Am I Balding Or Simply Maturing? Im 17

    Thanks for the reply. I was going to post pictures but I have no idea how to get the image URL on my phone.
  10. D

    Am I Balding Or Simply Maturing? Im 17

    Hello, Im 17 and have had very thick hair since I was able to grow it. Recently I have noticed that my hairline is receding my right temple has receded the most my left one not so much and it appers to be thinning in the middle very slightly (I habe anxiety so I may just be seeing things) My...